Monday, September 19, 2011


Welcome to a great new year!
Our first meeting between teacher and students was on August 18, 2011.  It was 
Back to School Night

This was the evening where I fell in love with my new group of 26 
first graders.  What an adorable group of children.
From the moment each student arrived, I knew this was going to be a great group of
I was so wrapped up in meeting both students and parents
that I didn't get as many pictures as I had hoped.
(Perhaps if any of you parents have some more photos from the night, 
you could pass them along to me

Once children and parents arrived at our classroom, Rm. 6, they picked up a paper that contained a special Treasure Hunt of things to find in 
the classroom.  Children found their chairs, boxes, cubbies, 
a train, a squirt of hand sanitizer, a stop light, and then picked a book
to put by their chair ready to read on Monday morning, the first day of school.

But, before leaving, parents had to fill out all of these...

And this was not all of them!  So many things to sign up for.
I could tell by the "fighting" between parents to be the Room Mother, that I would have a fantastic group
of helpful parents.
And I absolutely do.

Like I said before, my photos are limited so just picture these children with YOUR child's
head on the body!  :)  :)  

Here is Esher and his absolutely adorable toothless smile.
That is one of my favorite things about first graders

Look at this little sweetheart.  His name is Christopher.  We soon discovered
that Christopher has the longest name in the class.  ELEVEN letters!
Oh, and that's his mother there beside him.
If you look closely behind him, you will see another one of our
classroom friends  It's Leonardo!

I finally got his name right.  For the first two days I was calling him Lorenzo!  So odd.  Sorry about that Leonardo!)

Just so you all will recognize them when you see them, here are the
other first grade teachers.
That's me on the left, Mrs. Bayless in the middle, and Mrs. Reimschussel on the right.
They are lovely ladies and outstanding teachers and it is
a privilege to work with them.


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